Tuesday 11 June 2013

Storm Drain Painting

yesterday we were poting salmon picher  by stom dran to  remid pepole to not porsin the water because it kills our salmon and if  salmon deys then we will dey to rit now our salmon is in the oshn.

yesterday me and my class is  going to teech other peepull that we shod not thro garbig in the stom grans.  and we are going to go and pant fish.

dot kill samlon
Yesterday we are poding salon pitcher by the pips for peper to remember there are fish in there. so they will not put pozing in the pips to kill the fish.

Save The Salmon
Today is Monday June the 10.We are using cardboard that  have a hole that look like the salmon.We are painting salmon beside the drain  because we are telling the people do not put anything that would hurt the fish and the salmon.fish is important to be in our land and it is good for you too.  

The Salmon
we  are  going  to  people  house  to  give  them  the  mail  about    our  salmon  and  the  other  fish  we  are  give  the  mail  so  they  dot  put  drteay  staf  on  it  so  the  salmon  dot  diy.