Today Aelene came to our class. She is a BLG reader. She read us a story called I am not a copycat! It was a good story!!!!my fraveit (favourite) paje is the hippo eating ice cream in the ice cream store. I hope Aelene comes again at Tuesday.
Yesterday we had two scientist came to thech (teach) us science about animals and we played two games one was growing up then the ather game was food web.
Last week we went on a field trip to the
Apple Store to learn more about the iPads. In groups of 2 and 3, we
worked together to make iMovies of our Stanley Park field trip!
Me and my cass went to the mall to the apple stor to make a move. with the ipad. the pepol that wrck there gav as shirts. I had two prtnrs. makeing the move. we were makeing the a move about awere fillchep when we went to Beavre lake to reles the samlon fiy feer. Then we wocc the move on the tv.
We went to the apple store. it was fun and they help us.
I went on a spishall field trip to the apple store not like the one that we eat a ipod ipad Laptop stor we uos imove. you kniow what move i did? I did a samon move have you ever yous imove? if you have did it you code tell me if you can find me. if you did not do it it is ok. imove is so so so so so so so fun!!! Ever I wish can live in the apple stor!
We went at the Apple Store. Is wus so fun I wus so hape. I wus wrcing on the ipad.
Today is a very speshail day! We are going to the apple store. We lern how to make a movie on the ipad. We went with our class. We got a little bit prombom then a adate (adult) help us. We whath our movies on the itv! When it was time to go. but on of the man said here your sirtifitgit (certificate!). he aso gave us a memeriestick! We walk and walk back to school.
At the apple stor my group made a imove about beaver Lake we can put pakecher (pictures) on the imove. We got to wrock under the table it was ok it cool. at the apple stor give us a number bereslet(memory bracelet).
Today we had an BLGread a book calld :on the seashore. One great part was the sand castle. but on the sand castle under water we saw eggs and we saw a sand castle.