Tuesday, 29 January 2013

The Very Helpful Hedgehog

isaac   has   no    fedus      but    isaac   all   by   him   wun    day. u apple   fel    on   hes    hed he     kev   the    apple    to    u   hos
 (Isaac has no friends.  But Isaac is all by himself.  One day, an apple fell on his head.  He gave the apple to the horse.)

What do we wonder about salmon?

  • why does mother salmon have so many eggs
  • where are salmon born
  • where do the eggs come from
  • what makes the salmon colourful
  • why can salmon smell so well
  •  where do salmon swim to 
  • how do they breathe under water
  • what do fry look like
  • what does the salmon look like inside the egg
  • why  can  we only see  the   eye  in the egg
  • why  can't   we  see the body 
  • how  do salmon swim 
  • how do  you know   if it is a boy or a girl
  • why are salmon  called salmon
  • what  do salmon  teeth  look  like

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Learning about Salmon

We are learning about Salmon now.  Fifty-five salmon eggs arrived this week and are in a tank in Ms. Katerynych's Grade One class.  We will be visiting the eggs regularly and watching them develop and hatch into little salmon.  In the Spring, we hope to take a field trip to Beaver Lake in Stanley Park to help the other Grade One class release the Salmon Fry!

In the meantime, we made a "fish tank" in our room and will "raise" our own little salmon!
getting the gravel ready
our "eggs"
rocks for the "redd"
the "filter"

our "fish tank" with the "refrigeration coil" in the corner

placing our eggs in the redd
our fish tank...

with WATER!

Here is a story from C.B. about our visit to see the eggs!

The REAL eggs in the fish tank!

The eyed-eggs in the redd. 

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Pirates , Ho

Today a blg reader cam to our claas. Her name is Aelene. She readed a book.  It was about Pirates.  The book was skery.  We in joed the book.  You will in joy the book too. 

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Look what you can do with the iPads!

We used the iPads last week and learned a new "app" called Popplet.  Here is a popplet about raccoons by "S.D."  First he read books and gathered information about raccoons.  Then he typed the facts onto his popplet.  Finally, he added images from the internet!

Friday, 11 January 2013

Our Winter Clothes

It is winter and so we drew and painted ourselves wearing some winter clothes.  Next week we will write some sentences about our paintings.

Who's who?  "Can you tell which one is me?"

Happy New Year!

Welcome Back Everyone!  
Although we have only been back for one week, it has been busy and it looks like everyone is ready for our 2nd term!       
This week we read two books about New Year's celebrations and making resolutions.  Then, we all made some of our own resolutions - for home and school.  Here are some things we "resolve" to do...

  • "try not to talk to people when they are working" -CD
  • "write more at school." -JC
  • "clean up my mess at home." -AB
  • "to clean up whatever mess I make at home." -JL
  • "push in my chair at school." -IW
  • "99% of my work every single day." -KD
  • "at home I will clean my room." -CW
  • "I will try to brush my teeth twice a day." -LK
  • "when my teacher gives me paper I will say 'thank you.'" -MH
  • "brush my teeth ten times a day!" -NT
  • "to do more writing at school." -SD
  • "write more at school." -SS
  • "make my bed." -MH
  • "clean up my toys at home." TF
  • "wash my hands." -WY
  • "clean the dishes more often." -TP